The Journey Begins Here

Thanks for joining me! I advise you to use this blog as a reference for comparison while you begin or continue your keto diet research. I am not going to go too far into the science of ketosis, but I will provide you with those resources if you are starting from scratch because it is…

Keto Flu

The keto flu stems from the loss of electrolytes while cutting carbs. We get a large supply of sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium through sugar and starchy foods. When you cut carbs out of your diet, you will be drinking water like you’ve been walking in the desert for days. With all that water, comes…

Net Carbs: How to read Labels

This is something I could not leave out. In the beginning I would look at the label, see 0g of Sugar and throw it in the cart. There is so much more to reading and understanding food labels and it is extremely important on the keto diet. Lets take Tyson grilled chicken for example: 1…

Store bought Keto snacks

You can spend hours looking up recipes for keto desserts, cheese taco shells, cauliflower pizza crust, and even keto chips with a questionable flavor. For many of us, we never go beyond saving the recipe to our phone. They want 1/2 cup of almond flour, and a splash of this and that and honestly it…

Fat is the new Black

So let’s dig into what you will be eating on the keto diet. Typically keto dieters follow the rule of 70-80% Fat, 15-20% Protein and 5-10% Carbs. Essentially we are removing sugary/starchy foods like pasta, potatoes and bread, and replacing it with real food like protein, natural fats and vegetables. Use the keto calculator to…